Women Works Media Group

Rebecca Franklin launched Women Looking Ahead Magazine in 1993 to showcase Atlanta’s most successful, powerful and influential women from all walks of life. She followed with Men Looking Ahead, a related magazine featuring the city’s most successful and influential men. To encompass her growing enterprise, Rebecca created Women Works Media Group as the umbrella organization that now includes, magazines, books, conferences and awards banquets, TV programs, podcasts and live social media events.
Women Looking Ahead (WLA) News Magazine’s mission is to transgress beyond the printed word and to create a nurturing environment for literary expression and community outreach. We collectively accomplish this task by establishing, producing and participating in conferences, workshops, self-empowerment series and numerous other events and activities that cater to women. WLA’s mission is focused on making the publication much more than just a women’s news magazine. Our mission is to recognize and gratify the wants, needs, passions, commitments, curiosities, lifestyles, self-esteem and motivations of women across the Atlanta metropolitan area and beyond.
WLA is an organization drawn to women who are imbued with a spirit of commitment and a thriving desire to sacrifice and persevere. The organization caters to women who are in the pursuit of excellence in everything they do within their careers, homes, and other areas of interest. As an organization, WLA strives to be an integral part of the community by reaching out as a viable source of enrichment and support. WLA is further committed to improving the lives of women through education, mentoring and self-help directives.
To our readers: We pledge to be a fair, ethical, strong, informative and consistent printed voice dedicated to educating, entertaining, supporting and encouraging local women. We pledge to be open and honest by providing the public with useful information, valuable for day-to-day operations of working America and home.
To our advertisers: We offer the opportunity to reach a powerful, highly targeted buying audience, unavailable through other local media. The editorial environment is designed to meet our readers’ needs, thus maximizing advertising dollars.
To our staff: We promise to create a healthy work environment that promotes cooperation, communication, respect and understanding amongst the men and women who are employed at Women Works Media Group.
To our community: We commit to continue our active involvement within the community and local environments. We care about our metropolitan community, and we recognize that as we prosper; so do our communities.